News & Thoughts

Protection trumps prediction

Everything is easy with hindsight. With today’s newspaper we can all tell CEO’s and politicians what they should have done previously to be in the best possible position to deal with today’s issues. But what good is our advice if we aren’t in possession of the newspapers that will be printed in years to come.

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Gold-hedge haters focused on the hole, not the doughnut

The USD gold price has been on the tear these past 13 weeks. Gold prices in most other currencies have been running hot for quite a bit longer, and the list making new all-time highs this year keeps getting longer, but it’s the USD gold price that drives broader sentiment and it gets the headlines.

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Mining The Upside

Everywhere we look at the moment we see the market values of exploration and development companies of all shapes and sizes that don’t reflect even a sliver of the cash their assets might create if the world just stayed the same. Why is it so?

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New Year’s resolutions (or old habits die hard?)

Late on New Year’s eve 2017, without a great deal of analysis of the consequences (as tends to happen at that hour when drinking) I announced my 2018 would be alcohol free. My wife, bless her, immediately volunteered to join me, saying the shared challenge would be easier. And boy was she was right about that.

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Dodging the Death by Dilution bullet

Mining is a risky business. How risky depends on many things. Sometimes I think for mining equity investors it’s a bit like betting on a game of Russian Roulette being played by the CEO. Investors of course must also remember that ‘death’ for the player is often much less painful than it is for them.

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The New Normal

How Royalties and Innovative Debt and Equity Financings are Changing the Investment Landscape

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